
Substrate coating method

Time:Aug 04, 2022

a. The abrasive scrubbing mechanism;

b. Ink roller coating method and wire rod method;

c. Mechanical printing method for print-fitness testing.

A common inspection method is the method of parallel observation and comparison of standard (standard) and test (experimental) samples with human eyes This method is very simple, but it will not expressed in numbers. The tristimulus values can be obtained by measurement in instrumental mode, and then the dominant wavelength, purity and brightness in the CIE system or the hue, chroma and brightness in the Munsell system can be calculated Variation of color refers to the mode by which the perceptual difference between two colors is expressed in digital form Generally, the color difference unit of the N.B.S. (English abbreviation for National Bureau of Standards) is used to express the relationship between them.

What is introduced here is a conventional diagnostic method, that is, a scrub sample comparison method. Because this method is simple and accurate to use in ink production;internationally, this method is also commonly used.

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